Let's stay in touch on housing rights in Europe

Our housing system is not working for people. Across Europe, from Paris to Warsaw, Dublin to Athens, an increasing number of people in the EU are struggling to afford the rising costs of housing. Over 80 million people in the EU are overburdened by housing costs. In the last decade, the number of homeless people in Europe has risen by 70%. Any night 700.000 people are sleeping rough in Europe.

Greens/EFA MEP Kim van Sparrentak is leading a report to tackle the housing crisis, putting forward solutions that are needed now, more than ever, in the face of the current pandemic and the European recovery.

The report outlines proposals to tackle the housing crisis in Europe. It sets out the concrete policy and legislative measures Europe should take to transform the situation and ensure that housing is decent, affordable, and accessible for all. We must treat access to housing as a fundamental right.

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📷 Photo by Ján Jakub Naništa on Unsplash