GroenLinks Europa - Greens/EFA in the European Parliament
European Parliament
Wiertzstraat 60
1047 Brussels
Who is controlling the border control?
📺 Rewatch the live stream on YouTube.
Tineke Strik, Member of the European Parliament for the Greens/EFA and Apostolis Fotiadis hosted an online panel discussion on the human rights monitoring of the EU external border controls.
During this webinar, Apostolis Fotiadis presented the findings of his research titled: "Persistent and novel challenges for FRONTEX's monitoring system". The discussions will focus on both the role of FRONTEX and human rights monitoring bodies. To what extent is the current system functional and does it effectively monitor human rights violations? And what could the future of an effective EU border monitoring system look like, would an independent body be a solution to overcome current problems?
The webinar includes the following panels: