Covid-19: The future of Pharmaceuticals

Webinar - Friday 19 June - 11.00h-12.30h

Webinar on the future of publicly funded pharmaceuticals to ensure affordable health for all.

Hosted by: Kim van Sparrentak (Greens/EFA), Sophie in 't Veld (Renew), Marc Botenga (GUE/NGL) and MEPs from EPP and S&D, in collaboration with License to Heal, Commons Network, Wemos, Médecins Sans Frontières, Health Action International and Fair Medicine and Universities Allied for Essential Medicines NL.

Watch the webinar on YouTube.

Together with you we want to discuss the challenges of providing accessible and affordable drugs & medicines to everyone, especially in light of the current Covid-19 crisis. The European Commission will come with a Pharmaceutical Strategy at the end of this year, and will increase their investment in health through different EU funds. It is therefore an excellent time to discuss the challenges we see and to come up with solutions and demands in light of the Commission’s plans.

Some questions we seek to answer are: What lessons can we take from this crisis? What changes do we need to see in EU policy to ensure that public funding for pharmaceuticals is used for the common public good? How can we ensure that publicly funded pharmaceuticals are accessible to patients both in Europe and the rest of the world?

📷 Photo by freestocks on Unsplash